Aims and activities
Poisoning effects included in Rajasthan » Aims and activities
All Migratory vulture species have a highly vulnerable status, and their distribution ranges have been severely restricted in the last century. Threats such as illegal poisoning, lack of food availability are putting the incipient recovery of some populations at risk. The isolation of many of the breeding populations and low productivity rate of the species make it difficult to ensure the survival of these species in the long term. Vultures require large natural areas of good quality habitat, which is increasingly difficult to find in the humanized South Asia continent. They cut the vector of infectious disease transmission, act as natural carcass recyclers and are of great socioeconomic value to local communities. Protecting vultures therefore means protection of the entire Thar Desert ecosystems.
Save Vultures Society is working for the recovery of the Migratory Gyps vulture and local vultures species in North West Rajasthan by initiating, facilitating and supporting conservation actions and research and by working with people and organisations.
Our prospective
In North West Rajasthan, two migratory gyps (Griffon -Himalayan and Eurasian) and three vulture species populations (Egyptian vulture, Black vulture, King Vulture,) are available with a good conservation status with most of its former range, with good quality habitats by local people. The recent conservation studies and some ecological research have strongly recommended completewithdrawal of Diclofenac from the local market. All the multiuse injectable formulations of Diclofenacoffered for sale were for human use. In India, concern for carcass is very less and there is nomaintenance of records regarding animal types, death case, death durability, proper place and utilizationlevel. For this, a vulture conservation system must be put into place with help of the local municipal office. It is more important to protect several species of vultures in India by avoiding any kind of poisonous decline of vultures. Diclofenac is now widely recognized as the main driving force behind the rapid decline in India’s vulturepopulations over recent times, and consequently evidence for a decline both in the prevalence andconcentration of diclofenac residues in ungulate carcasses is important for India’s threatened vulturepopulations. Small proportion of ungulate carcasses containing lethal levels of diclofenac issufficient to cause the observed rapid population declines. As a solution this situation confined to areaswith a similar disposal method as India for domestic ungulates and/or level of treatment of sickly/oldcattle with NSAIDs. For further action we need reduce number of animals which treated with painkilleras well as identified Diclofenac (Human use) and their combination. As well as we plan make a strongconservation strategies via awareness in local people and skinner and participate vulture conservation especially.
Our Aim
The Save Vultures Society is working for the recovery and conservation aspect of the all vulture species in North West Rajasthan, India by initiating, facilitating and supporting conservation actions and research and by working with people.
1. Provide Diclofenac-free food to vultures in a secure and undisturbed location.
2. Create awareness among local inhabitants about the need to conserve vultures through publications and education programmes.
3. Work with veterinarians to prevent the use and diversion of human Diclofenac for treatment of cattle.
4. Regular vulture census in the region.
5. Education about impotence of vulture and infection diseases by dead animals.